Dina Glücker
contact person
Hi, how would you like to contact us?

Your selection of candidates:

Markus Richter

truck driver

Jonas Krüger

warehouse employee

Lina Schäfer


+ 117 more applicants

The smart

The fastest

The effective

The simplest

Recruiting for logistics, production and industry

Recruitment and recruitment for logistics, industry and production: We will present you with qualified specialists within 7 days.

Payment only when discontinued

100% employee guarantee

Can be canceled at any time

500+ leading companies use Simplejobs

The simple solution for recruitment


Satisfied customers

We know how to communicate the strengths of your industry and inspire talent to do so.


Talents in the applicant pool

Low number of applications? Our Germany-wide talent pool guarantees you qualified applicants.

7 days

Placement period

With us, you can reach top candidates in just 7 days. We support your recruiting process so that you have more time for your business.

Our strategies for recruiting employees

expand the team,
Reduce worries

Access to our pool of applicants with 120,000+ professionals

As a leading recruitment agency in logistics, our pool of applicants comprises 120,000 qualified candidates, whom we address directly and inspire them for their positions.

With modern methods to the best talents on the market

Traditional job portals only reach around 20% of the labor market. With SEO optimized job ads, social recruiting and Active Sourcing We advertise on the platforms where the best talent resides.

Pre-screening and review of your candidates

We do the preparatory work for you. Our experienced recruiters conduct initial telephone interviews, check qualifications and ensure that you only select the best candidates for your final selection.

Transparent evaluations for smart recruiting

Get key insights, such as costs per hire, through regular reports and dashboards. This allows you to plan cost-effectively and proactively and secure a competitive advantage.

What do our customers say?

“Simplejobs offers a combination of digital efficiency and personal contact. This saves us time and also ensures that we get candidates who really suit us.”

Michael Starke

managing director,
Rhenus Trucking

57 positions busy in local and long-distance traffic
initial situation
Difficulties in finding qualified personnel
Hardly any applications via traditional channels
Results from our cooperation
4 years of successful partnership
Recruitment across Germany, including branches in Duisburg, Neuss, Hildesheim, Hamburg, Ludwigshafen and Koblenz
57 positions in local and long-distance transport
Thanks to Simplejobs, we were able to fill a variety of positions in the commercial sector.We will continue to work with Simplejobs in the future, as the collaboration is pleasant and easy.

Sabrina Ernst

personnel managers,
Gust. Alberts

17 full-time positions staffed
initial situation
Very low unemployment rate in the Märkisches Kreis
Difficult access to the northern labour market due to bridge-breaking
Time-intensive recruiting for a manufacturing company with seasonal business
Results from our cooperation
Placement of premium ads on job portals
Targeted contact of candidates willing to change positions via social media
242 applicants screened by telephone
73 candidates presented at Alberts
17 successfully hired employees (permanent)
“I can fully recommend Simplejobs. The team provides professional and sustainable support, which has significantly accelerated our recruiting process. ”

Daniel B.

HR manager,
ITL logistics

Staffing requirements fully covered
initial situation
The need for particularly qualified truck drivers
Truck drivers had to be able to deliver and install additional technical goods on site.
HR department was too small for the entire recruiting effort
Results from our cooperation
1.732 applicants contacted
108 applicants pre-qualified by telephone
48 candidates presented at ITL logistics
6 qualified truck drivers hired and staffing requirements met in full
“In my position as dispatcher, where many tasks run in parallel, you help us keep track and ensure that nothing gets lost. Your support in managing candidates is a great help and relief. ”

Monty Hertl

Elite Traffic

14 positions busy in local and long-distance traffic
initial situation
Strong competition between employers
Difficulty standing out from competitors
Results from our cooperation
SEO-optimized and target group-relevant ads
International and Germany-wide recruitment
169 potential candidates pre-qualified
14 successful hires
“The precise pre-selection that Simplejobs offers in my opinion is missing from other recruiting platforms and agencies.”

Dirk Marschke

personnel manager,
BÄKO Rhein-Mosel eG

6 new employees in just 12 days
initial situation
Difficulties in finding qualified personnel
Hardly any applications via traditional channels
Results from our cooperation
Tailored digital campaigns
276 candidates contacted
8 pre-qualified applicants presented
6 perfect matches set (delivery driver, warehouse employee, fleet manager)
“Simplejobs' comprehensive database and goal-oriented approach was decisive.”

Markus Marx

Location manager,

5 digits successful staffed by qualified specialists
initial situation
Too few quality applications for open positions
Serious shortage of truck drivers, which hindered order acceptance
Results from our cooperation
Tailored digital campaigns
81 matching applicants found
5 successful hires (truck driver, sales representative, car wash employee, vehicle attendant at the gas station)
We convey everything that is in motion!

Positions we fill for you

Logistics, production and industry are our areas of expertise. With us, you'll find everyone, whether you're a truck driver, warehouse employee or dispatcher.

truck driver

forklift driver

courier driver

Production employee

warehouse employee

car mechanic

bus driver

bicycle courier


Dispatch manager

shift manager

team leader


Customer Care

Sales manager

Key Account Manager

Fleet manager

Division manager

Head of Import/Export

branch manager

IT & developer


Our pricing structure

Scalable for everyone company size

I'm sure you know this: Vacancies should be filled immediately, but...

Are the monthly fees too high?
Does a framework agreement take too long?
Would you like to test us risk-free for now?

We now offer you the option to use our service for 90 days
100% success-based and risk-free to test!

You only pay when you hire (including 5 jobs per location).
Find applicants:
High visibility through SEO-optimized job advertisements on 50+ channels for active seekers
Access to our talent pool with 120,000+ specialists, whom we address and inspire directly for their positions
Addressing applicants willing to change via targeted and appealing advertisements on social media
Qualify applicants:
Personal job recording including calculation of the staffing probability
Applicant qualification including phone calls and review of the curriculum vitae and former employer
You will receive qualified candidate profiles and decide who you want to meet and hire
New customer favorite!

Sie wollen viele Bewerbungen erhalten und die Qualifizierung selber übernehmen? Hier kommen Sie zu unserem Marketing-Service.

Monthly support
We will take care of your personnel requirements in the long term (including 5 jobs per location).
Find applicants:
High visibility through SEO-optimized job advertisements on 50+ channels for active seekers
Access to our talent pool with 120,000+ specialists, whom we address and inspire directly for their positions
Addressing applicants willing to change via targeted and appealing advertisements on social media
Qualify applicants:
Personal job recording including calculation of the staffing probability
Applicant qualification including phone calls and review of the curriculum vitae and former employer
You will receive qualified candidate profiles and decide who you want to meet and hire
Price-performance winner

Sie wollen viele Bewerbungen erhalten und die Qualifizierung selber übernehmen? Hier kommen Sie zu unserem Marketing-Service.

The start is risk-free!

Book your non-binding Strategy discussion

Personal insights into our innovative recruiting process
Analysis and assessment of which methods are right for you
Appropriate offer including costs and next steps
Quick Easy Personally.
We love & live recruiting

“With our young company, we are once again making the HR world more personal, transparent and faster. Our team now comprises 25+ personalities who give 120% every day to take recruiting our customers to the next level. ”

Ali Soysüren

Founder of SimpleJob

Frequently asked questions

Here you can find the answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Do you still have any unanswered questions? We would be happy to answer them. contact us