The successes archieved by our 500+ customers
We are proud that over 500 employers from various industries and of all sizes appreciate our unique recruiting approach.
500+ leading companies use Simplejobs
Customer success stories
Read our inspiring customer success stories here and be inspired by their experiences and successes!
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An interview with our customers
A quick look at our key figures actually reveals everything!
Our partners hire qualified applicants in the first 7 days
Employee Guarantee
The applicants qualified by us by telephone are convincing during an interview
Our strategies for recruiting employees
Expand your team,
Reduce your worries
Access to our pool of applicants with 120,000+ professionals qualifizierten & geprüften Fachkräften
As a leading recruitment agency in logistics, our pool of applicants comprises 120,000 qualified candidates, whom we address directly and inspire them for their positions.
auf über modern methods
Traditional job portals only reach around 20% of the labor market. With SEO optimized job ads, social recruiting and Active Sourcing We advertise on the platforms where the best talent resides.
Pre-screeningund beste Erreichbarkeit der Bewerber
We do the preparatory work for you. Our experienced recruiters conduct initial telephone interviews, check qualifications and ensure that you only select the best candidates for your final selection. Screening der Bewerber durch und prüfen auf alle notwendigen Qualifikationen.
Unsere Recruiter sind werktags von 8 bis 20 Uhr im Einsatz und kontaktieren neue Bewerber innerhalb von 48 Stunden.
Transparent evaluations for smart recruiting
Get key insights, such as costs per hire, through regular reports and dashboards. This allows you to plan cost-effectively and proactively and secure a competitive advantage.
These 6 reasons
Speak for SimpleJobs
Intensive qualification: Through personal telephone calls, we ensure the high quality of applicants.
Quick solutions: Even when needed at short notice, we offer flexible and quick start options to deliver results as quickly as possible.
Round-the-clock support: Our recruiters are also available until 21:00 in the evening to meet the short-term staffing requirements of our customers.
Adapted recruiting mix: Our strategies are specifically tailored to the customer's needs and structures.
Risk-free trial period: Customers have the opportunity to try out our services in a success-based test phase.
Large capacities and resources: With an applicant pool of more than 120,000 candidates, we can cover staffing requirements of all sizes.
Frequently asked questions
Here you can find the answers to our most frequently asked questions.