The smart
The fastest
The effective
The simplest
recruiting for
Recruitment and headhunting for your industry: We will present you with qualified specialists within 7 days.
Payment only when discontinued
100% employee guarantee
Can be canceled at any time
500+ leading companies use Simplejobs
Do you recognise the following problems in your industry?
Bad experiences with expensive service providers
Many providers promise a lot and deliver little. Before we start a collaboration, we collect a data-based staffing probability.
Oversupply of ads on job boards
Everyone searches, no one finds. Medium-sized companies in particular are no longer looking through the many platforms and are lost in the jungle of job advertisements.
The quality and quantity of applicants is incorrect
Fewer applicants, even less quality. The few applications that are generated usually do not match the required job profile at all and the qualification ties up many resources of your HR department.
We're here to help!
recruitment of skilled workers
in just 7 days
Effektive Mitarbeitergewinnung
durch unsere Branchenkenntnisse
Offene Fragen? Wir beantworten sie gerne!
Wir verstehen die vielfältigen Anforderungen der Handwerksbranche wie kein anderer.
Ob Sie einen erfahrenen Fachmann mit Meisterbrief suchen oder motivierte Kräfte für Ihre Baustelle benötigen - wir finden das passende Personal für Sie.
Unsere Experten decken alle Bereiche ab: von der präzisen Montage über fachgerechte Installation bis hin zur zuverlässigen Reparatur.
Wir vermitteln nicht nur Handwerker, sondern auch Fachkräfte für die Bauleitung, die Ihr Projekt effizient koordinieren. Dabei legen wir großen Wert auf umfassende Werkzeugkunde und exzellenten Kundenservice.
Als Partner vieler Handwerksbetriebe sind wir immer auf dem neuesten Stand der Entwicklungen in der Baubranche.
Egal ob Sie Spezialisten für Elektrotechnik, Profis für Sanitärinstallation oder Experten für Malerarbeiten suchen - unser Netzwerk umfasst qualifizierte Fachkräfte für jede Herausforderung.
Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Erfahrung und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihr Team verstärken.
So sieht erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit aus!
Our strategies for recruiting employees
Expand your team,
reduce your worries
Access to our pool of applicants with 120,000+ professionals
As a leading recruitment agency, our pool of applicants comprises 120,000 qualified candidates, whom we address directly and inspire them for their positions.
We use modern methods to find the best talents on the market
Traditional job portals only reach around 20% of the labor market. With Social Recruiting, Active sourcing and SEO-optimized job advertisements We advertise on the platforms where the best talent resides.
Pre-screening and verification of your candidates
We do the preparatory work for you. Our experienced recruiters conduct initial telephone interviews, check qualifications and ensure that you only select the best candidates for your final selection.
Transparent evaluations for smart recruiting
Get key insights, such as costs per hire, through regular reports and dashboards. This allows you to plan cost-effectively and proactively and secure a competitive advantage.
If a new applicant signs up with us
satisfied customers
Where we find candidates for your vacant positions
Talents in our Germany-wide community
Jobs that we can fill for you in
Scalable for every company size
Set endlessly and
do not pay agency fees!
Unique setup
3 months care
I'm sure you know this: Vacancies should be filled immediately, but...
Are the monthly fees too high?
Does a framework agreement take too long?
Would you like to test us risk-free for now?
We now offer you the option to use our service for 90 days
100% success-based and risk-free to test!
Still unsure? Start risk-free
with a free success analysis!
Scalable for everyone company size
Hire endlessly and
don't pay agency fees!
Unique setup
3 months care
I'm sure you know this: Vacancies should be filled immediately, but...
Are the monthly fees too high?
Does a framework agreement take too long?
Would you like to test us risk-free for now?
We now offer you the option to use our service for 90 days
100% success-based and risk-free to test!
Still unsure? Start risk-free with a free success analysis!
After the free analysis, you will know how to hire skilled workers in just 7 days
With guaranteed results
We love & live recruiting
“With our young company, we are once again making the HR world more personal, transparent and faster. Our team now comprises 25+ personalities who give 120% every day to take recruiting our customers to the next level. ”
Ali Soysüren
Founder & CEO of Simpleleads
Customer Testimonials
Frequently asked questions
Here you can find the answers to our most frequently asked questions.